The popular action movie franchise “Transformers” has released another installment, which hit U.S. theatres on June 21, 2017. In the first seven weeks following the official release date of “Transformers: The Last Knight”, the number of P2P users, who downloaded and shared files of the action movie rose up to 345,626. This is about 300,000 less compared with its predecessor “Transformers: Age of Extinction”, which had 644,931.
Maybe because “Transformers: The Last Knight” yielded harsh press critics in the U.S., it attracted a considerably lower number of fans who downloaded files of the movie in P2P networks. File sharing activity has roughly halved in the United States, which portrays a rather downward trend and possibly a decreasing popularity of the action movie franchise. This trend mirrors the official box office gross figures, since the latest installment of the action movie has also grossed only half of its predecessor.* The most active fans of the “Transformers” continuation is located in Houston, Texas, followed by Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami.
Definition: The rankings are based on the number of unique file sharers: How many peers (file sharers) shared at least one file of "Transformers: The Last Knight"?
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