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Nearly 2.1 million file sharers for 'The Fate of the Furious' in the first week - but could

The release of “The Fate of the Furious” on April 14, 2017 saw a jump two days later in the number of fans sharing the car racing action movie – up to 489,400 daily file sharers. Since then, file sharing activity has remained steady, with an average of 420,000 on the days that followed. Seen on their own, the numbers seem impressively high, but fall short when compared to what the film franchise’s previous installment, “Furious 7”, was able to achieve within the same period of time. After the U.S. theatrical release of “Furious 7”, P2P activity rose to more than 939,000 file sharers on the second day – even climbing up at to an average of over 1.05 million per day during the full week after its release. As a result, “Furious 7” was, with a total of 4.74 million fans, shared by more than twice as much P2P users within the first week after its release than the most recent installment.

Let’s see how “The Fate of the Furious” will perform over the time – we’ll be sure to keep you updated on the results!

Trend line - file sharing activity of "The Fate of the Furious" in comparison with "Furious 7" after their release


Definition: Number of file sharers: How many peers shared at least one file of the movie "The Fate of the Furious" and "Furious 7" within the respective time period?


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Companies of the media- and entertainment industry leverage file sharing data to enhance conventional audience measurement systems.

Identify international target markets for content distribution

Optimize programming and content recommendations

Assess popularity trends of TV Shows based on catch-up rates 

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